
In the crowd map of choreography in Tuscany, the territory of Siena is strongly expressing a productive activity unimaginable shortly ago. Thanks to whom, as the sisters Simona and Rosanna Cieri of the MOTUS company,work with passion since many years to impose an idea of dance that exceeds the ancient and reassuring boundaries of entertainment […] with stubborn engagement, determination and devotion they show that dance is a “traumatic” art able to investigate and also to interpret strong and sometimes difficult problems, because difficult it is life. With a clear and articulated choreographic dictionary, fed of classical language blended with contemporary influences, MOTUS declines an uncomfortable and “skinned” human comedy. It is said: art must be uncomfortable. These senesis authors seem to show us that, from now on, also in dance, it cannot be different.

Silvia Poletti

CORRIERE DI SIENA (12 Dicembre 2009)

The second appreciation of the Italian Republic President, Giorgio Napolitano, comes unexpected to the Motus Company for the work “Della tua carne” on stage tomorrow at 21,15 in the theatre season at the Rinnovati Theatre. A very valuable appreciation, that follows that one received on last March for “Iris under the sea”, the work dedicated […]

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LA NAZIONE (1 December 2009)

Dance during crisis time. Public debate with expert people. The meeting is aimed to open a debate about the heavy cut of public funds dedicated to artistic creation which is forcing the professionals of this field to decrease activities and, as a consequence, to reduce staff.

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DANZASI (December 2009)

Dance during crisis time, a public meeting organized by Motus Cultural Association to discuss the difficult situation of dance and all art in our Country.

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IL CITTADINO ONLINE (26 November 2009)

A show that talks about death penalty through the dance theatre language lend itself to a greater involvement of young people as well, and for that reason it is particularly important……… For us – Anna Carli, President of the Barnabei Foundation, said – this show means to continue to fight against the violence and the […]

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CORRIERE DI SIENA (25 November 2009)

The dramatic ending of Derek Rocco Barnabei’s life-story, American boy sentenced to death in the USA despite his innocence screaming to the world, becomes the object of a wonderful show – Just’Us – Della tua carne – …………… This work makes use of symbols and metaphors to arouse a right indignation spark about this authentic […]

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LA NAZIONE (26 August 2009)

… to lay the sentimental relationships bare, passing by with confidence from the symbolic materialization of love in the most carnal stiletto heels of lovers, to the denunciation of war horrors through the radio news of the last fight. On scene also the impossible life in common such as the two personalities of the tormented […]

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CORRIERE DI SIENA (19 August 2009)

A way to honour the deaths of a savage murder. A way to do the theatre an eternizing cultural form. It will be a week of performances and workshops that is waiting for the Motus company, gone away yesterday to Srebrenica….

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CORRIERE DI SIENA (25 July 2009)

The Motus company flies to England… The performance, which received the prize of the Republic President Giorgio Napolitano, is dedicated to Iris Noelia Palacio Cruz……………….The show is dedicated to Iris, but above all, it is a charge to contemporary society, ready to foment with media uproar every kind of racism, while silent about the daily […]

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MONTEGARGANO (30 June 2009)

… the Motus provocative gestural expressiveness that dedicates the choreography of “One step beyond” to the city of Srebrenica, a performance which will conclude the theatre festival (n.d.r. InEurOff).

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