
In the crowd map of choreography in Tuscany, the territory of Siena is strongly expressing a productive activity unimaginable shortly ago. Thanks to whom, as the sisters Simona and Rosanna Cieri of the MOTUS company,work with passion since many years to impose an idea of dance that exceeds the ancient and reassuring boundaries of entertainment […] with stubborn engagement, determination and devotion they show that dance is a “traumatic” art able to investigate and also to interpret strong and sometimes difficult problems, because difficult it is life. With a clear and articulated choreographic dictionary, fed of classical language blended with contemporary influences, MOTUS declines an uncomfortable and “skinned” human comedy. It is said: art must be uncomfortable. These senesis authors seem to show us that, from now on, also in dance, it cannot be different.

Silvia Poletti

IL CITTADINO OGGI (30 August 2002)

“…………the new show of the Motus company. “Di terra e d’aria” was on stage on Wednesday afternoon to show – through the dancer, and the choreographer Simona Cieri among all, usual cleverness – the human eternal ambition to posses the sky. Theatre and dance are melting, over a slender sounding carpet, never excessive… A lot […]

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LA STAMPA (11 July 2002)

“tonight at the international festival Vignaledanza on scene the women’s pain…… evening that want to be a scream of help sent from every area of the world….”

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ROMA C’E’ (11 June 2002)

“… two acts about women conditions in the different cultures, a denunciation of the subordination state in which are forced million women in the world..”

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IL TEMPO (7 June 2002)

The Motus dance company, in collaboration with AIDOS is presenting the teatre-dance show Se è femmina uccidetela……………Crazy stories, but unfortunately real.”

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IL TIRRENO (15 March 2002)

“…the Motus company dances the female condition without hypocrisy, they talk about the difficulties of being woman in the male chauvinist societies succeeding with naturalness on passing by a performance to another one, by an image to another one… Motus represents, through the use of the body language, of the rhythm and of the voice, […]

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