“The Poetic City” by Ize Fall from Senegal and the dance of the MOTUS Company”

“On Saturday, May 20th, at 7:30 pm, a new appointment with ‘Aperitivi in Danza’ festival by the MOTUS Company.”

The last event, before the summer break, of the ‘Aperitivi in Danza’ festivalat the International Art Center (Via Mencattelli 5/7, Siena) hosts on Saturday, May 20th, at 7:30 at the International Art Center (Via Mencattelli 5/7, Siena) ‘The Poetic City’ exhibition by Ize Fall, artist from Senegal.

Having approached art through fashion and tailoring, where he pursued a personal exploration creating numerous collections characterized by patchwork—a technique rooted from Senegalese tradition—Ize Fall progressively developed his love for colors on canvas. Influenced by the urban context and graffiti of Dakar, he focused on forms of graphic expression and mosaic.

Ize Fall develops “The Poetic City” starting from the question: “When you leave home in the morning to go to work, what remains of your city? What remains when you go back home, and when you go shopping or when you have free time?” He explores this idea because, as he underlines, “if we adopted another point of view, if we stand contemplating the interstices between mortar and brick that are home to weeds, or if we listen to the incessant swarming, lifeblood, of the city, we could see its poetics.” Ize Fall’s works are the result of a constant search for the “poetic,” which persists even in the chaos of the postmodern city, taking shape in the rhythm that, for the artist, exists in all things—from traffic noises to the forms of masks in African tradition, from words written on printed paper to those quickly painted on walls, from those shouted in markets to those that, in silence, remain within us.

After the vernissage, the MOTUS Company presents the performance “Combat,” choreography by Martina Agricoli, directed by Rosanna and Simona Cieri, with Roberta Morello, Mattia Solano, and Martina Agricoli.

The event is organized by the MOTUS Company with the contribution of ChiantiBanca. The ticket is 10 euros (reduced: 8 euros). Reservations are recommended.

During the evening, as usual, a buffet will be provided, allowing the audience to meet the artists in a convivial atmosphere. For more information and reservations, please send an email to info@motusdanza.it or call +39 0577-286980.

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