On Thursday, 26 January, 2023, at 8:30 pm, new appointment of the “Aperitivi in danza” Festival
The first event of 2023 of the “Aperitivi in danza” Festival, organised by MOTUS, on Thursday, 26 January at 8:30 pm at the Centro Internazionale d’Arte (Via Mencattelli 5/7, Siena), provides a rich multidisciplinary program, combining contemporary dance and visual arts, with the performance of the MOTUS Company and the exhibition of the artists Sofia Giuntini and Domitilla Marzuoli.
The event starts with the opening of the exhibition “Metamorfeo”, a project realized in collaboration with the Municipality of San Gimignano – Department of Culture and with the support of Rotary Valdelsa, an interdisciplinary journey between photography and illustration, in which the young artists invite the audience to transcend and overcome the limit of the interpretative categories. In “Metamorfeo”, illustration interacts with photography, without obscuring it, and the physical body becomes ideal. Thus, dancing figures populate urban and natural scenarios and female figures invite the observer to break the traditional link with the image.
Sofia Giuntini, 25-year-old freelance photographer 25 years, graduated in Photography at the LABA in Florence, and Domitilla Marzuoli, 32-year-old illustrator, graduated in Classical Language and Literature at the University of Siena, meet in San Gimignano in the Illustrolibreria Dalet, an artistic, cultural and independent bookshop managed by Domitilla. Thanks to the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of San Gimignano as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, their arts intertwine and give rise to various artistic and socio-cultural projects, including the development of the IN3C festival, dedicated to young local artists, talks and debates about intersectional feminism and culture.
After the opening of the exhibition, the MOTUS Company presents an extract from the new show “Ultima fermata”, which debuted at the Teatro Il Mulino in Piossasco (Turin) in December 2022. The show is set in 2050, the year in which global warming could reach over three degrees centigrade, bringing our ecosystem to a point of no return that will kick off a real planetary environmental catastrophe. The show, with choreography by Martina Agricoli and directed by Rosanna and Simona Cieri, launches a cry of alarm on climate, staging, with a strong dose of irony, the consequences of the stupidity of humankind, slave to the addiction to unnecessary consumption and energy-consuming. “Ultima Fermata”, co-produced by Mulino ad Arte and MOTUS, with the collaboration of Autolinee Toscane and with the support of the Tuscany Region, is performed by Ilaria Fratantuono, Roberta Morello and Mattia Solano.
The cost of the ticket is 10 € (reduced 8 €) and booking is recommended.
During the evening, as usual, a buffet will be offered, to allow the audience to meet the artists in a convivial atmosphere.
For information and reservations: info@motusdanza.it or +39 0577 – 286980.